Independence Pass 12,095ft

'Independence Pass'  - Don't you just love the way Americans name things. They are proud of their country and they show it. There is nothing shy and retiring in a name like Independence Pass. It is out there and it is patriotic with a capital 'P'.

Sometimes, I think we, Australians that is, should be a little more vocal in our pride.  Lets face it, we all love our country and really there is no place on earth we would rather live, but just occasionally maybe we should say so. Not as loudly as the Yanks perhaps but something slightly above the almost embarrassed whisper in we historically cloak our nationalism.

At 3,687 m (or 12,095 ft in the old money) Independence Pass dwarfs Kosciuszko, which comes in at a mere 2,228 m (7,310 ft).  Like many of us I have slogged it to the top on foot more than once just so I can say I've stood on the roof of Oz. And, I admit, I've made that mobile phone call; along the lines of  'Hey guess where I am ...?', much to the annoyance of almost everyone else around me.

With Independence Pass though you don't need to even work up a sweat. There's a road right to the summit and over the other side. The truly energetic can park at the top and walk 100 m or so for the obligatory photo opportunity. Priding ourselves on our athleticism that's what D and I did - and we have the photos to prove it. It really is stunning though, especially at the beginning of summer when the snow next to the road can be 6 or 7 ft high.

At the summit

Having summitted the pass successfully we are now safely ensconced in the sheer luxury of the Viceroy at Snowmass. Ski resorts out of season are great value for money. The plan is to do lots of cycling, walking, and generally enjoy the great outdoors but I have to say it is going to be tricky tearing ourselves away from the very comfortable surrounds of our hotel.

For the next post in this series click - here

For all my posts on this road trip click - here

7 June 2013

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